My Sporthotel Sillian

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For better readability, we do not use multiple gender forms at the same time on our website.
All personal names apply equally to all genders and should be understood inclusively and respectfully.

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Responsible for the content

Company name:
Hochpustertaler Bergbahnen Nfg. GesmbH & Co KG | Sporthotel Sillian

Object of the company: Hotel

UID number: ATU44074407

Company register number: FN: 139601 x

Company register court: Court of jurisdiction: Lienz

Registered office: 9920 Sillian | Austria

Full geographical address: 9920 Sillian | Austria

Contact details (Tel, E-Mail): Tel: +43 4842 60110 | E-Mail:

Memberships of the Economic Chamber Organisation: Economic Chamber Tyrol Section: Hotel Industry

Activity description - Registered object: Management of a 4-star superior hotel

Awarding state: Austria

Personally liable partners (general partner) of the GmbH & Co KG: HP Bergbahnen Gesellschaft m.b.H.

Company name of the GmbH: Hochpustertaler Bergbahnen Nfg. GesmbH & Co KG | Sporthotel Sillian

Legal form: Limited partnership

Registered office of the GmbH: Hochpustertaler Bergbahnen Nfg. Gesellschaft mbH & Co KG | Kapfingerstraße 1 | 6271 Uderns | Austria

Hotel address: Dolomiten Residenz****s Sporthotel Sillian | 9920 Sillian 49d | Austria

Company register number of the GmbH: FN: 139601 x

Company register court of the GmbH: Court of jurisdiction Lienz

Managing directors: Mr Schultz Heinrich, private individual, sole authorised representative | Ms Schultz Martha, private individual, joint authorised representative | Mr Ing. Hirschhuber Rudolf, private individual, joint authorised representative



Despite careful content control, we assume no liability for the content of external links. The operators of the linked pages are solely responsible for their content.

Note on the online consumer arbitration centre:

Platform for online dispute resolution of the European Commission:


Picture sources

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